What we do
The Gozo NGOs Association was set up with the specific aim to promote the interests of the voluntary and non-governmental organisations (VOs/NGOs) active in Gozo. The Association serves as a vehicle facilitating the myriad number of VOs active in Gozo to:

The Association tries to achieve these aims by:
- Acting as a coordinating entity so as to eliminate conflicts of interest, duplication of efforts and waste of human and material resources and as such enable their utilisation and use in the most efficient and effective way.
- Providing a continuous channel of communication and facilitate discussions between its members as well as other non-member VOs/NGOs and other bodies.
- Providing facilities through which its members’ activities can be promoted.
- Collecting information and maintaining a database about services available in Gozo, acquiring and distributing resources (including funds and equipment) among its members.
- Understanding the needs of NGOs and of individuals working in the voluntary sector.
- Give advice and provide training and learning opportunities to the volunteers working within the voluntary sector in Gozo.